IPOE (Intelligent Energy Optimization Platform) is a platform supporting energy management based on the Deming cycle (PDCA) and compliant with the ISO 50001 standard. The platform works with industrial and building automation systems. It can also be an independent solution.
Optimizing energy consumption thanks to IPOE is a solution for everyone. The IPOE platform is eagerly chosen by customers from various industries who are looking for proven and durable solutions for years. Optimizing energy costs allows you to save about 20-40% of the cost of electricity. How big would this save for your company?
IPOE is a platform designed for companies, institutions and organizations that consume energy, which have implemented the ISO 50001 standard, plan to implement it or simply want to effectively manage energy processes. We strongly encourage you to read the details of the offer, and also to choose an IPOE. Save electricity easily, together with the IPOE platform!