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The idea of the project is to address the problem of air pollution (smog) in highly urbanized areas and so-called Functional Urban Areas (FUAs), and its impact on the health of residents (the main groups most affected are children, the elderly or people suffering from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases).

The project focuses on system and organizational solutions, from the point of view of controlling the phenomenon, planning corrective and preventive actions on a macro (city + metropolitan area FUAs) and micro (street level) scale.

The project is expected to result in the development of a plan for reducing the impact of air pollution and smog on the lives of residents. Pilot activities in the Katowice City for the installation of air pollution measurement sensors in public buildings are also planned. The project will also include an exchange of experience at the international level.

The overall budget of the project is €1,936,342.00. The budget of the Katowice City is €302,640.00, of which 85% (€257,244.00), is from the European Regional Development Fund, while the contribution of the Katowice City is €45,396.00.

Partners in the project:

Project leader: Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Agenzia regionale per la prevenzione, l'ambiente e l'energia dell'Emilia-Romagna) - Italy.

Main partners: National Interuniversity Consortium for Sciences (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per le Scienze Ambientali) - Italy, City of Parma (Italy), Budapest City (Zuglo District) - Hungary, Katowice City, Central Mining Institute, Graz City- Austria, German Research Center for Health and Environment (Helmholtz Zentrum München - Deutsches Forschungs zentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit) - Germany.

Progamme: Interreg Central Europe

Implementation period: 01.09.2017r. – 28.02.2021r.


IoT Innovation Showroom  Rawa.INK incubator  ul. Teatralna 17a,  40-003 Katowice, Poland     email:

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