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EkoPatrol GIG is a program covering a whole package of solutions for comprehensive air quality monitoring and identifying smog threats in significant areas (e.g. cities or municipalities).

The program consists of stationary and portable monitoring devices, mobile measuring laboratories and individual dust meters.

Basic elements of the program

  • Mobile measurement laboratory - The base of the laboratory is an electric car equipped with a weather station (temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed and direction), a measurement platform with an independent control, power and GPS system, and an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) with control and measurement equipment. The measurements include the following parameters: PM1, PM2.5, PM10, CO and are validated against the reference and equivalent methods.

  • Atmospheric hazard monitoring station and dustiness measurement station - As an element of the system of stationary long-term measurement points, it enables the measurement of atmospheric precipitation (automatic rain gauge) with meteo parameters (temperature, pressure, wind) and laser dust measurement (PM1, PM2.5, PM10). The station is equipped with a microprocessor-based control and data transmission system (GSM / WiFi / LAN). Visualization and data obtained as a result of measurements are available on the website.

  • Dust Air dust meter - This small measuring device supports personal protection against smog, giving immediate information about the air quality in a given place and in the vicinity.


IoT Innovation Showroom  Rawa.INK incubator  ul. Teatralna 17a,  40-003 Katowice, Poland     email:

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